Past Performance
Cosmos has received high performance ratings based on Past Performance Evaluation survey responses of its reference customers covering a period from 2007 to 2018. The average Past Performance Evaluation score was 96/100. Demonstrating outstanding overall customer satisfaction relative to similar companies.
2017 Outstanding Highway Engineering Award: Cosmos Technologies Inc. was honored by the American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) for the infrastructure design work on the Sports and Exhibitions.
2015 Annual Black History Achievement Award: Frederick Douglas was honored for Outstanding Environmental Service and Achievement by Dr. Melessie Clark and the Pastor's Wives of the Second Eccleastical Jurisdiction, COGIC. 2014 Finalist for the Pittsburgh Business Ethics Award: Cosmos was a finalist for this award presented by the Pittsburgh Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals and co-presented by the David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership at the University of Pittsburgh, the Rotary Club of Pittsburgh, and the Allegheny Conference on Community Development. 2014 Woman of Valor: VP Holly Hudson was honored for her tireless volunteer efforts by Cornerstone TeleVision Network. Cornerstone TeleVision Network is a Christian ministry based in Wall, Pennsylvania. |

2013 Small Business & Entrepreneurism Subcommittee Chairperson: President Frederick Douglas has been selected as Chairperson for this subcommittee for the Mayor-Elect Bill Peduto Transition Committee.
2013 Pittsburgh Circle of Courage Award, Pittsburgh, PA: Frederick Douglas was honored as a person of Faith and Courage by BCC Ministries for the work the Cosmos Technologies has accomplished. BCC Ministries is involved in and supports education, healthcare, distribution of food and clothing to the poor locally and across the globe.
2011 50 Men of Excellence, Pittsburgh, PA: Frederick Douglas was recognized by the Allegheny County Council as one of the New Pittsburgh Courier’s 50 Men of Excellence for contributions in the community. The New Pittsburgh Courier is one of the oldest and most prestigious Black newspapers in the United States. The County of Allegheny is second most populous county in Pennsylvania. The Office of the County Council represents the constituents in this territory.
2011 Impact Award, Pittsburgh PA: Cosmos Technologies, Inc. was awarded the Impact Award from Bridgeway Capital for its dedication to small business growth, creating jobs, and making western PA a thriving region for all. Bridgeway Capital is a major institution in western PA which works to increase financing for small businesses, provide training and improve awareness of economic growth with a mission to revitalize western PA.
2011 Entrepreneur Award, Pittsburgh PA: Cosmos Technologies, Inc. was awarded the Entrepreneur Award by the National Black MBA Association Inc, Pittsburgh Chapter, an organization dedicated to creating and promoting opportunities for African Americans in education, business and technological innovation.
2008 Minority Business of the Year Award, Pittsburgh PA: Cosmos Technologies Inc. won the 2008 Minority Business of the Year Award, presented by the Minority Business Opportunity Committee (MBOC). MBOC is a national organization that serves as a focal point for developing partnerships with city, county, state and federal government as well as public and private sectors to ensure economic development opportunities for women, minorities, and veterans.
2008 Pittsburgh Courier Article, Pittsburgh PA: Cosmos was featured in the Pittsburgh Courier newspaper on January 22, 2008. The article highlighted Cosmos’ impact on growing employment within the City of Pittsburgh.
2013 Pittsburgh Circle of Courage Award, Pittsburgh, PA: Frederick Douglas was honored as a person of Faith and Courage by BCC Ministries for the work the Cosmos Technologies has accomplished. BCC Ministries is involved in and supports education, healthcare, distribution of food and clothing to the poor locally and across the globe.
2011 50 Men of Excellence, Pittsburgh, PA: Frederick Douglas was recognized by the Allegheny County Council as one of the New Pittsburgh Courier’s 50 Men of Excellence for contributions in the community. The New Pittsburgh Courier is one of the oldest and most prestigious Black newspapers in the United States. The County of Allegheny is second most populous county in Pennsylvania. The Office of the County Council represents the constituents in this territory.
2011 Impact Award, Pittsburgh PA: Cosmos Technologies, Inc. was awarded the Impact Award from Bridgeway Capital for its dedication to small business growth, creating jobs, and making western PA a thriving region for all. Bridgeway Capital is a major institution in western PA which works to increase financing for small businesses, provide training and improve awareness of economic growth with a mission to revitalize western PA.
2011 Entrepreneur Award, Pittsburgh PA: Cosmos Technologies, Inc. was awarded the Entrepreneur Award by the National Black MBA Association Inc, Pittsburgh Chapter, an organization dedicated to creating and promoting opportunities for African Americans in education, business and technological innovation.
2008 Minority Business of the Year Award, Pittsburgh PA: Cosmos Technologies Inc. won the 2008 Minority Business of the Year Award, presented by the Minority Business Opportunity Committee (MBOC). MBOC is a national organization that serves as a focal point for developing partnerships with city, county, state and federal government as well as public and private sectors to ensure economic development opportunities for women, minorities, and veterans.
2008 Pittsburgh Courier Article, Pittsburgh PA: Cosmos was featured in the Pittsburgh Courier newspaper on January 22, 2008. The article highlighted Cosmos’ impact on growing employment within the City of Pittsburgh.